Monday, December 6, 2010

Marina - Carlos Ruiz Zafón

En la Barcelona de 1980 Óscar Drai sueña despierto, deslumbrado por los palacetes modernistas cercanos al internado en el que estudia. En una de sus escapadas conoce a Marina, una chica audaz que comparte con Óscar la aventura de adentrarse en un enigma doloroso del pasado de la ciudad. Un misterioso personaje de la posguerra se propuso el mayor desafío imaginable, pero su ambición lo arrastró por sendas siniestras cuyas consecuencias debe pagar alguien todavía hoy.

Comment: Just finished, seconds ago, actually, this book.It's amazing, I can't even think of words to describe it. The author always has a certain tone of melancholy in his books, and this one isn't an exception, but the feelings are overwhelming. I feel sad, I feel frustrated because I can't change things; this is a great book.
The plot is in the same lines as the other books I've read by him (Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game) but this one is smaller and has a theme..well, it shocks but in the end the reader understands. Painfully, but we do.
I hope this writer will keep writing more books, I have to confess he is the spanish author I prefer these days.

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