Friday, January 21, 2011

Lori Foster - Too Much Temptation

Breaking his engagement should make a man's life simpler, but for sinfully handsome Noah Harper it meant defying his grandmother, losing his job, and disappointing everyone who thought the bride was his perfect match. Though the breakup wasn't his fault, he agreed to play the gentleman and take the flak for it. After all, he'd lived without his grandmother's approval before; he was wealthy enough not to need the job she'd given him; and, while facing the resulting mix of scandal, disaster, and confusion wasn't exactly fun, freedom from an appalling mismatch was definitely worth it. The first thing he planned to do was enjoy his freedom -- to find a woman who was willing to pursue pleasure for its own sake. He never expected his grandmother's sweet, innocent assistant, Grace Jenkins, to rush to his defense -- or to find she had a passionate nature to match his own. Suddenly, freedom is nowhere near as important to Noah as being with Grace -- for her loyalty, love, and luscious womanly curves are Too Much Temptation.

Comment: This is one of the kind of books I usually stay away from. The other being contemporary drama.
Contemporary light isn't something I particulary enjoy because what happens in there is always about sex or having lots of sex. Ins't there a plot where the focus is the not wanting to have sex?
Anyway, the writing wasn't bad, I actually liked the simplicity and the to the point stuff. What I didn't really like was the story itself. The heroine has a complex of inferiority but she smiles and she goes out of her way to hep others...she's rather likeable but she gave in too soon...she was in love with the guy since ever and she is shy and would guess she would put a bigger fight to acknowledge both her feelings and attraction, considering the way she's described. I didn't really see her struggle to change the way she saw herself because she wanted to be the guy's sex slave! In a funny way, I mean.
I'm not saddened not to have any more books by the author..she's all right to decompress but to me, not to be an intentional read.

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