Saturday, April 23, 2011

Suzanne Brockmann - Breaking the Rules

Izzy Zanella wasn't looking for another reason to butt heads
with his Navy SEAL teammate and nemesis, Danny Gillman.
But then he met Danny’s beautiful younger sister, Eden. When
she needed it most, he offered her a place to stay, a shoulder to
cry on—and more. And when she got pregnant with another
man’s child, he offered her marriage. But Eden’s devastating
miscarriage shattered their life together—and made the intense
bad blood between Izzy and Danny even worse.

Now Eden's back, on a mission to rescue her teen brother, Ben,
from their abusive stepfather. Even if she and Izzy can prove
that their broken marriage is still in one piece, winning legal
custody of Ben is a long shot. But they’re not alone: Danny
and his girlfriend Jenn offer to help, and he and Izzy agree to
bury the past and fight for Ben’s future.

As they plan their strategy, Izzy and Eden grapple with the raw
passion that still crackles between them—while Danny and
Jenn confront new depths in their own rocky relationship. But
events take a terrifying turn after Ben befriends a girl fleeing a
child prostitution ring. When the young runaway seeks refuge
with Eden and Izzy, her pursuers kidnap Ben—and a deadly
standoff begins. Now, they must all pull together like never
before and strike back, swift and hard, to protect their
unconventional little family and everything they hold most

Comment: I've finally managed to read this book. Since I've started the first book I've been a fan of this series, and most especially of the heroes in it.
Izzy Zanella is a recurrent character from other books, and I must say it's one of the things I love in books, the fact we can see several characters from all the books being in there, being part of all the stories even when not protagonists. We know they exist and we see them, the author doesn't make them go away just because. Obviously we can't have all of them in each book, but there's plenty, which makes me happy.

These books feature navy Seals but the stories have always some deep emotional side and this book didn't disappoint in this. We got to see how Izzy and dan, two characters that usually fight a lot, come to terms they are now part of the same family and how their thoughts processed that and al the things happening around them.

The main couple, Izzy and Eden, had already convinced me in previous books, but right now we could see how real they are and this time, more solid too. Their romance story wasn't easy, but it blossomed and thrived.

Mrs Brockmann always manages to write a sucessful and convincing romance even while describing awful things, things we know are real in the world. I hope she'll continue to write books about troubleshooters because these are characters I'd never want to see gone.

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