Comment: This is another book by the author with the time travel plot line.
In this story, Elizabeth is a young woman who's had a bad experience with a dentist as a child. Now, she has a bad tooth and the only option is to remove it but considering her fear, her dentist uses a bigger dose of anesthesia to ease her. When she wakes up, groggy and without a tooth, she thinks it's strange that nobody is there and when she opens up the door, she's in 1867.
In that year, Jordan is a man waiting for his mail order bride but as he couldn't be there to receive her, two of his men are and after the expected misunderstand, they meet and Elizabeth, still thinking she's in a dream, goes with them to Jordan's house. However, the journey takes weeks and during that time they start falling in love and perhaps it was fate all along that got them together.
I liked this story. I think it had an interesting plot and although some things are predictable, it was entertaining enough to seduce me. I can't help but compare it to the previous books I've read by the author, and this one is much better. The story is more interesting and the characters are also more easy to sympathize with. the story feels more objective, it's like all the characters and the way things happen has more purpose, more closure than in the other novels.
Elizabeth is a strong protagonist. She's afraid of dentists but she looks foe one because she need to and when in 1867 she tries her best in such different circumstances. She keeps being the nice person, defending those who can't because she was a weak person once and she still suffers because of her father's alcohol abuse and neglect and so she takes care of two children along the way to Jordan's ranch. Actually, she does a lot during the trip, she gets herself into many situations that could be a problem if it were for real, but considering the fictional part of it, it was also funny. One thing I liked, she didn't become afraid or submissive just because she found herself in a different place and era. She always had an answer for everything, she didn't give up on her personality and she treated others like she was still on the 20th century. I know, a bit illogical if we think about that whole "when in Rome..." thing, but I loved it, she was funny and intelligent while using her knowledge and position and it provided great scenes.
Elizabeth also gives us her mother's POV and the abuse she suffered from Elizabeth's father. This subject also has a positive conclusion.
Jordan is a man with dreams and hopes and he thought having a sweet lady as a bride would help him after the disaster of his first wedding, but instead there came Elizabeth. He felt attracted to her right away and from then on he couldn't help it. I liked how easy it was for him to like her, to start loving her too. Their scenes together were good to read and it was believable. Somewhere along the way they have to marry and Jordan ends up realizing Elizabeth is so much more than what he thought.
I think this is a great romance. The situations fit the time and the place and the feel of the story. Now that I think more about it, I believe this is one of the best by her that I've read.
I still have one to read, and I hope it's as addictive and special as this one.
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