Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I hope everyone has had a great Christmas. Mine was alright, I spent it with family and eating lots of sweets...I'm afraid to see how much weight I've gained...really.

My computer has been cooperative these last days and I hope it stays that way. Still, I have all the books of December to talk about and I didn't stop reading, so I'll just stick to quick notes about most of them, hopefully in two, three days I can reach the point where I'm at right now. Since December, 1st, I've read 15 books, some of them great reads.

The end of the year is almost there, I haven't started doing the math for this year, but I think I spent less in books...what about you? Next week the new year starts and I'll post about this year and how it went for me. Have fun people!


  1. I'm afraid to get on a scale!

    RE: Books and reading? I've hardly read in December at all... and am experiencing reader's block at the moment. Ugh!

    Anyway, hope you have great plans for New Year's Eve!

  2. Hi Hilcia!
    Well, I kept reading, thankfully I haven't got reader's block for a long time. I just can't keep up with the writing...

    No plans for new year's eve, just staying at home..reading :D
    What about you?
