Thursday, December 26, 2013

Joining in 2014 TBR Challenge

Next  year I've decided to join the same challenge I've tried this year that's ending. I had lots of fun not only picking books for myself but to look out at some of the other people's choices. I've added a few more titles to my own pile because of that! Still, I can't wait to chose next year's books.

Here's Wendy's site, where everything happens!

In the following days I'll write a post about this experience and about the books I picked and my overall impression of them. Nothing big, just a sort of conclusion.
I'll also fix the page about the challenges.

As for the 2014 schedule. I know Wendy says themes are optional all the time but I kind of like to follow instructions on these things, that's the challenge, otherwise...I mean, reading anything isn't a challenge for me ever, so...the fun thing is to actually think and pick a book for that month's theme. I know many people don't feel this, but for me, it's how I like things. So I'll try to find books in my piles to suit each month.
Here's the link in Wendy's blog about the challenge

Here are the themes Wendy suggested for 2014:

January 15 - We Love Short Shorts! (Short stories, Novellas, category romance)  
February 19 - Series Catch-Up (pick a book from a series you're behind on)  
March 19 - New-To-You Author (an author you've never read before)
April 16 - Contemporary romance  
May 21 - More Than One (An author who has more than one book in your TBR pile)  
June 18 - Romance Classics (classic book, classic author, classic trope/theme etc.)
July 16 - Lovely RITA (past RITA winners or nominees)
August 20 - Luscious Love Scenes (erotic romance, erotica, a "sensual" read - leave those "just kisses" books alone this month!)  
September 17 - Recommended read (a book recommended to you by someone)
October 15 - Paranormal or romantic suspense  
November 19 - Historical romance  
December 17 - Holiday themes (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, it's all good!)

I can't wait to start!

(Image belongs to Wendy)


  1. I'm so glad you're signing on again!

    I like having themes too. Certainly it helps that my TBR is so huge that I have no problem finding something that fits every month. But I do try to keep the themes fairly broad, so people have a little wiggle room :)

    1. Hello Wendy...I know the open themes is better for most people, but personally I like to follow instructions, that's the challenge!
