Thursday, January 4, 2024

2023 Book Statistics

Hello, everyone!

đź’›One more year is finished... đź’›

2023 is over and, as always, I've done a summary of a few statistics, which I like to share. I also like to see these types of posts in other blogs or sites.
2023 was a good enough reading year, one of the best considering my averages in the past decade. I'm glad I've read several paperback books which had been languishing in the pile and I'm planning on doing the same this year.

This said, here are some of my numbers:


➤ In 2023 I've read 226 books, more in August (21), and less in December (16).

- All these books mean 70183 pages. I've read more pages in August and less in December, which in par with the number of books read in those months.

- Of all the books read, 94 were by known authors to me and 132 by new authors, which is always interesting...

- The first book of the year was Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, in the middle was Legacy by Nora Roberts and the last one was The One by John Marrs.

- Of all the books I read, I loved 7, liked 112, thought 87 were so-so, I didn't enjoy much of 18 and 2 weren't to my liking, both being DNFs for me.

- The genres I've read:
Contemporary (55)
Historial (12)
Fiction (23)
PNR (28)
LGBT (37)
Thrillers (17)
Historical Romance (29)
Non-fiction (10)
Fantasy/SciFi (15)

- I've purchased 42 books, spending around 391,40€. I spent more in June - there was a book fair to bear in mind -  and less in December, when I didn't buy books at all.
What has not increased in price in the last years? Books are definitely more expensive, there are less options and I see myself getting more ebooks, checking deals even more and the physical books I get are mostly paperbacks I find somehow with discount or that I buy at a later time. I've stopped getting hardcovers unless it's some deal.

Books Read!

➤ I gave 7 stars to five books in 2023. 
Well, technically it was 6 because I've read Les Miserables in Portuguese and the publisher divided them into two volumes.
Each book is unique somehow and it calls up to readers in different ways. I've loved these 7 books but who knows if I would ten years from now?

- Favorites - in no order
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Book Lovers by Emily Henry
Bold Fortune by M.M. Crane
The Strangers on Montagu Street by Karen White
The Ladies of Ivy Cottage by Julie Klassen
The Kindred Spirits of Supper Club by Amy E. Reichert

I DNF'd two books:
Abstract Love by Sara Dobie Bauer
First Step Forward by Liora Blake
These I didn't finish but there were others I did and didn't like much, 18 to be exact, and I'll probably remember those better in terms of why I liked them less.

- Best in general:
At this moment, reading the titles again and thinking about them... 
I'd go with Book Lovers by Emily Henry.

- Worst in general:
The DNFs are obvious choices, but of the titles I gave 2 stars to on GR, I'd choose, at this moment, Destined for a King by Ashley Mcnamara.

I'll leave the same note I did last year:
- I'm planning on keeping my focus on things I own, using the library... I mean, it's difficult to not add new books to the pile, if not impossible, but I'll try to give a chance to books languishing in the pile. I like to write down monthly lists and I've chosen purposely books I had to read for a long time as well as more recent stuff, so that my readings can be eclectic.

Happy reading, everyone!đź’›
And happy new year!


  1. Happy New Year!

    I ended up reading 110, which is a little low for me but I had more five star rated books (5) and only (1) 1 star, so a better reading year for me.

    I feel like my fantasy reading has definitely went up and my historical Regency romance has went down, I love when people put their subgenres up, it's cool to see year from year how reading taste can slightly change.

    I need to get to Book Lovers by Emily Henry, everyone seems to have it on their Bests list!

    1. Hi!
      It is true we change and with time so do our tastes... Life does affect us and the moods we prefer to have...
      Wishing you great reads for 2024!
