Friday, January 3, 2025

Mini-Comments, again

Here is the second post with mini-comments...

Lover Arisen by JR Ward is the 20th installment in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. There was a time I defended and loved this series in a way that, now, makes me see how "obsessed" I was with the world building. Everything was great, even doubtful elements. In this story, when things are clearly reaching the end of the arc, I'm not as blind to the flaws and I no longer feel that drive to know what happens.
Balthazar and Erika aren't bad protagonists, and I love the wold building and the characters (and their interactions) as much as ever, but the path taken by the author feels very unfair. I also dislike the enemies that currently have a role in the series, and I abhor the fact the main villain has a voice and that there are so many pages from their POV.
Plot wise, there isn't much to say, because the true value of this series was in the world the author created and in the characters, who brought everything to life. I will always cherish some of the books in a special way and I might read other books but yes, to me, who have read all 20 of them, the first 5 or 6 had the true magic, that's for sure. What a pity the romance and the characters' interactions are no longer the only point of interest. I mean, there has always existed a villain, but to me it was never really important. Now, things are different and I feel a little sad...
Grade: 6/10

Beloved Imposter by Patricia Potter is an historical romance which has been in the shelf for many years, and the fact the setting is medieval probably put me off a little. Now I've read it, I must say I was positively surprised and this tale of a young woman (an original I'm sure) who doesn't want to marry a lecher and decides to run away to find a solution, did captivate me. I also liked that her family and the hero's were enemies but, as always. things find a way to be solved. The romance was actually quite well paced and I was entertained by all the things that took place.
This is the first book I try by the author but now I even feel I need to read the rest of this trilogy, which will feature the brothers of the male protagonist. The writing does feel a little dated, but unlike many other books, this story felt well balanced between plot and romance, and the protagonists weren't in love at first sight nor were they doing things they shouldn't when anyone could see. I actually found it refreshing to have an historical romance story where the characters fall in love before they get intimate. Perhaps it's only my impression... there are some details that, of course, feel a little less achieved, but my overall idea is a positive one.
Grade: 8/10

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