Comment: First things first, I didn't dislike this book per se, but to be honest, it didn't mean anyhting to me. I was actually disappointed, because the blurb seemed to be one of those stories with a bit of angst, a bit of trial and error to have a better relationship, I was even willing to ignore the part about reunited love (something I try to avoid, as I don't care much for this type of plot), but no. The reason why they separated is stupid, too WTF to believe. It's not just a case of misunderstanding, it's simply stupidity and from then on I wasn't interested anymore. I kept reading because it's something I do, if the author had the trouble to write it, I like to read it all too, but I wasn't a happy camper.
So, they separated for a stupid reason, and years later they see each other again because one of them needs to do business and right then they have sex. Did I mention this happens years later after the break-up? I don't think someone would do it even if still in love with the other person; I mean it's fiction, ok, but this is a contemporary, they were away for lack of trust, to go to the point, and them suddenly, it was like nothing ever happened. Too weak a plot, I think.
Anyway, there's a happy ending, but since page one things didn't work out for me.
Now, I know one book isn't the way an author writes all the time, but this author doesn't have many m/m books, or at least m/m isn't the focus of her books, so...I think I won't insist, the one didn't grab me and I don't want to be disappointed again. Oh well, we learn everytime.
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