Everyone knows Joe as a straight-up, straight cop standing fast in the moral heart of his beloved town. Brian's new in town. He's also a bareback, a jinx, an untwinned huntsman nobody in his right mind would rely on. When the dark side of the cops--vigilantes gone outlaw--joins with the monstrous dark side of the huntsmen, lovers must become brothers to strike at the heart of evil.
Comment: My second read for the challenge this month.
I am aware this was a second book, it would follow a previous story somwhow, but in most cases we can follow the stories without having read others before, so I figured out I would be ok.
After all, things didn't work out that well. The story is very confising to follow, I realized although it's set in a different time, the way it's told assumes the reader knows what is going on. I was confused all the time. Another thing is the writing itself. Many scenes just jump from one thing to another without a link, so the reader has to guess where the action is next. All this confusion and jumping scenes make the book too exhausting to read and also a bit difficult, because we must figure things to quickly, without much certainty.
The romance was ok, I guess, but I could put aside what I wasn't geting to, in order to enjoy the love thing. The story was a mess, it took me a long time to understand things.
So why didn't I start with the first, well, that one is a m/f/m or m/m/f which means menage and I'm not looking for those books at the moment. I wasn't really interested in reading a menage book, so I jumped ahead... a mistake, but well, this is how we learn. I visited the auhtor's site and there's not much there to catch my eye, so I guess it would be an author to avoid from here on.
S. You know this book does sound interesting. I would have picked it up too based on the blurb. It would be interesting to know how it reads if you'd read that 1st book? But... the fact that you can't follow anything at all means there's no background given to the reader as to the world... (shaking my head). Too bad. :(