Saturday, August 29, 2020


Hello all. I hope you are all doing well in this time of pandemic worries... who could guess such a thing? The plot of a sci-fi book coming to life to annoy us all...

Anyway, I wanted to wish a happy weekend to anyone reading this blog. Thank you for that, by the way!
Just a few random things I thought about posting:

1) I've recently read two very small books (both under the 120 pages count) in Portuguese, one by a Portuguese author, another by a Brazilian one. I confess I don't feel like writing much about them because, frankly, neither wowed me at all. In fact, I gave them both only two stars which I'd translate into 3 out 10 here in my blog. The stories aren't bad, really, and the books were borrowed so it's not like I feel too guilty over not having enjoyed them. However, the stories in both would be what I consider "literary pretenses" where the reader has to sort of click with the author's intention and that's not always easy. I'll confess too, they are easily forgettable. I could appreciate the narrative, some wording was quite beautiful in both but in the end I was just glad it was over.

2) I saw at BookBub blog:
Have you had any experience like this? I have many books which have been waiting in the TBR pile for a long time and sometimes it does feel unfair, especially if they end up being great.
Of the list there I've read 11 books and some were really great indeed. 

3) To end the post, just a little image found out there on the, in fact.
Any reader probably dreams of visiting a world of the books read and I also think of the dream of being in an idyllic place, being able to afford it and savor it and always with my beloved book.

Happy weekend!

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