Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Karma Eastwick - Imitation of Life

In New York City, Broadway actor Mars Manchester faces two dilemmas, one professional, the other personal...Although the handsome and talented thespian is discreet yet openly gay when it comes to his family, friends, and agent, he knows his sexual orientation could have a negative impact on landing roles in other mediums. Now that he's starting to branch off into movie and television work, he worries some producers might hesitate to hire a gay man as a romantic lead if word ever got out. So when Mars lands the role of Wave Benson, a new gay character on the long-running daytime soap opera Destiny's Storm, a controversial role that could prove challenging and rewarding and shift his career into high gear, he remains fearful that he could get typecast like so many other actors in the business. And when it comes to his personal life, Mars battles to hold his feelings in check when he falls hopelessly in love with his roommate, another actor by the name of Reed Keeting. Unfortunately, there's one major stumbling block...Reed is straight. And to make matters even worse, the man has an annoying girlfriend who not only senses Mars's secret crush on her lover, but delights in making his life miserable at every opportunity. Yet when conversations lead Mars to believe his sexy roommate is perhaps not as straight as he appears, he can't help recalling his last relationship, one with another 'straight man,' that ended in utter disaster. Will Mars ever find the courage to follow his heart and explore the possibilities of a fulfilling relationship with Reed, or will he remain miserable, allowing one bad love affair to dictate his future? Or will his storyline on Destiny's Storm, which often seems an imitation of his personal life, give him added encouragement to seek happiness once and for all, especially when Reed also snags a coveted role on the soap...to play his gay lover? Daytime Soaps Will Never Be The Same!

Comment: This was the first book I've read by this author. I read the blurb and it seemed interesting. While reading I realized the author does have talent but the way the story is presented seems to be too aloof, I mean, it lacks some seriousness, it's difficult to see the main characters as someone seriously interested in a relationship when most moments thinking alone are too focused on the sexual part of the relationship.
Of course, one would say that is part of the imation to real life the title relates to, but to me personaly, I prefer a bit more thought, a little bit of angst to solidify the feelings between the characters. In here it didn't happen, although I admit I liked the way it ended.
The writing isn't my favourite kind, where we only see one of the character's POV, but I managed to overcome that. Like I said, I wish I'd seen a bit more seriousness in the story though

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