Comment: I’ve
had this book to read for a long time, since 2009 actually. I really need to
get going with my TBR pile.
I delayed
the reading of this one because I like to space the reading of books by the
same author that aren’t in the same series, just another tactic to not mix
worlds together.
lives in Ephemera, a place where the world exists as created places come out of
the power of talented women. Then, talented man create the bridges, which can
be stable or moody, to connect all the places. One day, a young apprentice unleashed
the trapped evil and from that moment on, freedom starts to disappear and the
only hope is with Belladona, the most powerful of them all.
First of
all, I’ve read this book translated. I got it a long time ago, in a book fair
and I couldn’t wait to get it, although, obviously, I didn’t get to it at the
time. I have to confess, these days, I read a lot more in English. Not only it’s
cheaper but the words flow better. This is awkward saying as I’ve studied
translation studies and I know the importance of them to the culture and the
possibility to people who don’t understand foreign languages. I should advocate
more nicely reading in Portuguese, but the truth is, lately, I find reading certain
books in Portuguese too awkward because I can’t stop thinking how weird some
things get, as I know them in the original. The same doesn’t happen when I read
classics, for instance. I assume it’s the language factor, but with other
works, it feels wrong to read some things in Portuguese, it sounds translated,
and it shouldn’t but I know it’s not easy to use words and expressions that we
don’t have and make them sound like every day's talk. It’s complicated.
So, all
this to say I think my experience reading this was a bit ruined by the language.
I don’t think I should let it get to me that much, but in a way, it did happen.
thing I noted is, after reading the other two published series, I found this
one a bit darker. Nothing wrong with that, but I couldn’t help but look for
that same usual balance between the darker scenes and the friendly ones where
the reader can see the bond between characters. In this story this didn’t
happen as obvious as that and I think the story felt unbalanced to the darker
side because of that. I hope this issues gets “solved2 in the next book.
The world
is quite imaginative. I had some trouble following some processes, but I was
delighted by the author’s ideas about how it all should work.
characters have their strong points, of course, some mystery, otherwise how
boring could it be, and it has a romance between Sebastian and Lynnea. I won’t
go into spoilers, but I found their romance not only too fast as too easy. I’m
used to romances taking time, where the couple knows each other for a long time
before being intimate and in here this didn’t happen and when they had sex it
wasn’t special, it wasn’t magical, although it was a first experience for them
both, in different ways, but still. And not a word about it until later and still
very unemotional..I don’t know, I expected better.
I’m reading
the next one because I already have it, but it’s a series that didn’t captivate
me as much as the others.
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