Saturday, August 1, 2015

WA Hoffman - Treasure

Gay buccaneer historical adventure/romance. The third novel in a series chronicling the adventures of Will, a disenchanted English Lord, and his beloved matelot/partner, Gaston, an exiled Frenchman, set among the buccaneers of Port Royal, Jamaica, in the 1660s. In this volume, the men ponder the true definition of sanity and the necessity of compromise in the name of love while contending with the arrival of Gaston's father, their potential inheritances, the political machinations of Will's father, Henry Morgan's ambition, a bounty upon their heads, unwanted brides, and an unexpected child.

Comment: This is the third volume of the Raised By Wolves story written by WA Hoffman. The story is divided into four volumes so readers can have it easy but this is not a series, it's just a huge story divided into four parts where each part, in a way, focus on some elements. I've loved the first volume and I couldn't let the rest of the story out, so...
In this third volume, the main issues are Gaston's father who came to visit and talk to his son and how the guys find out how much Will's father is aware of his steps in Jamaica and what he's been doing.
Of course there's a lot more going on, especially with other characters, but Will and Gaston keep on being the focus and the ones whose actions matter the most. Can they hold on to each other, their lives and friends and still battle those against them?
As it happened with the previous volumes, this one also met my expectations overall, but I do have to say this one seemed slightly weaker in terms of making the story enjoyable. I liked it yes, but there were some passages, some action moments where I had some more trouble focusing on it.
Obviously every reader has a preference and in this book's case, I have to confess I preferred the scenes where they had to deal with people, with their families, their friends...the last part of the book was set on the roving days and honestly I wasn't as engaged in that.
I keep on being marveled by how ingenious and clever the author was in creating those characters. She includes again a lengthy list of bibliography used to create the world on the page and I keep on being amazed by how much detail and facts were actually real. Even if one sets aside all romanticized scenes, the rest of the book would still be great just because of the atmosphere the author inserted.
The writing is to the point and always focused on what is happening, on what characters say. This is great because it doesn't give the idea the story is boring - even despite the not as fascinating moments.
But of course the best part is actually the way Will and Gaston make such a united couple. Despite their differences, their personal issues, they still talk and discuss things between them. I think this is the key to the success of their relationship, something other couples don't have. Or even if they did, just Will and Gaston being themselves is enough to make them different and more special than others, so any interaction they have has to be unique as well.
I really loved how they discussed things, how they thought about the other when dealing with trouble or problems. If nothing else mattered, I still thing their love would always be enough to carry them further.
The plot issues continue to happen in ways not always predictable. I mean of course we imagine some confrontation to Will's father has to happen at some point but some actions aren't as obvious as that in the whole process.
I think the author is using  a much more positive approach to everything, considering the laws and ways of life in the 17th century, but every fictional book is part imagination and fantasy, so... nevertheless, some things improve the story for its difference but there are other elements I find a bit too much in terms of drama. I guess we always need balance and that these books have been, but there are always things we'd do different or wish were different.
All in all, another great volume, I loved many scenes and things that happened. I do have high hopes for the fourth and last volume and I do hope they get a believable but still romantic HEA at the end.
As for this one, it's a nice continuation of what we've seen and it does give the reader a nice setting for what is to come.
I do recommend the whole story to anyone who likes gay stories and detailed historical settings.
Grade: 8/10

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