Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cara Bastone - Just a Heartbeat Away

Newly widowed dad Sebastian Dorner was unraveling at the edges—until his son’s teacher, Via DeRosa, threw him a lifeline. Now, two years later, they reconnect at Matty’s new school, and an inconvenient but unmistakable jolt of attraction crackles between them. But why does the first person to spark with Sebastian in years have to be a millennial? Is twentysomething Via really too young for him or does fortysomething Sebastian just feel too damn old?
A former foster kid, Via’s finally forged the stable life she’s always dreamed of—new job, steady income, no drama. The last thing she needs are rumors about her and a single dad at school. But why does she keep being drawn into his capable, worn-flannel orbit? And why does being around Sebastian, Matty and even their dog, Crabby, seem to spark so much want?
They’re trying to ignore the tension threatening their friendship. But sometimes what’ll heal you is just a touch—and a heartbeat—away…

Comment: I once saw a positive review of this romance and now, four years later, I've finally started it and did enjoy it.

In this story we meet Sebastian Dorner and his son Matty right after the death of Cora, Sebastian's wife and Matty's mother. The mourning is still ongoing when Matty's teacher, Via, calls Sebastian and gently makes him see how he has been neglecting Matty. This is Sebastian's wake up call and he starts making changes. Some years later, the Dorners meet Via again, in Matty's new school, and something seems to start clicking between Via and Sebastian, but they both have reasons to doubt these feelings. As their friendship develops and secondary situations are being dealt with, could it be that Sebastian and Via actually have more in common than the age gap and the different backgrounds would suggest?

I probably became interested in this book because it would be a romance featuring a May/December relationship, and the man is a widow and the heroine has a connection with the hero's child... I mean, all elements that felt rather captivating and the truth is, I was captivated! I did like getting to know these characters and seeing the evolution of what was happening to them.

The writing was quite competent, I'd say, even though this is the first book I try by the author. The narrative just flew and I liked that this was third person narrative, alternatively focused on each protagonist. Besides, the relationship is a slow burn, with a gradual and believable pace in how they meet each other, start being around each other and fall in love. Nothing is rushed - in fact, there was a moment or two in which I felt the delay in their admittance of their feelings was becoming too obvious - and when things finally happen, it's quite pleasing.

The plot is not complicated, for this is mostly a story about character development. Basically, the characters keep meeting one another, interact and there is a lot of emotional development for both while they deal with their issues. At first, Sebastian seemed to be the most vulnerable but with Via's initial help, he was able to process what was happening and moved on so he could be there for his son. Via was always a character I felt wasn't as easy to read, mainly because she was a foster child after the death of her immigrant parents and this did affect her personality as well.

Via is a very practical heroine. She is also competent and being orphaned at 12 did shape her view of the world, and she has tried her best to find reliability and stability in her life. When the story begins she is dating Evan, who we learn has wealthy parents and this allows him to make choices Via would not, such as quitting a job without any real prospects for after. Of course, this means that as she is falling for Sebastian, the comparison becomes greater and we see, at the same time she does, how much more suitable Sebastian is, age gap included.

In fact, the age gap is probably a more concerning element for Sebastian. He is a great hero, considerate of others, helpful, willing to ask for help, pretty much perfect but he is worried the age gap would be too much and he fears he might not be a good partner, as he felt he wasn't to Cora. These feelings are mentioned from time to time, to the point that we get to see how important they really are, but that is part of you evolving and wishing to be better so the other person can respect you too. I did like Sebastian but I will confess I wish he could have had a more decisive manner in some situations.

The pace is mostly a good one, but I did get a little frustrated as things progress closer to the end, especially when it comes to the romance. Yes, they are attracted to one another and not only physically, they are friends, they had time and mutual experiences, common secondary characters who support them, and all this could have made for a more logical and quicker acceptance of what was between them, in particular from the moment Via becomes single. However, it seemed as if they were being too careful, which is not a bad thing of course, but in a romance novel becomes annoying sometimes.

Despite one or two things, I liked this story and I liked getting to spend time with the characters and see their groups of friends/connections be united. There are two more full length stories in the series and the next one will feature the best friends of this book's couple. At first sight they don't seem to be the best match, but I'm quite eager to see how the author will do it.
Grade: 8/10

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